Thursday, May 25, 2006

Geri names the babe

New mother, ex-Spice Girl and proof that ambition is more important than talent, Geri Halliwell has named her new baby girl Bluebell Madonna.
The star has chosen the name Bluebell Madonna after spotting the flowers during her pregnancy and because "Scarlett O'Hara was my heroine and I seem to recall she had a daughter named Blue." She picked Madonna as a middle name after the baby was delivered with her arms in the air "as if she was shouting 'Hello Wembley!" and she's a big fan of Madonna (somebody else with more ambition than talent!).

Alternative baby names:

TV Guide (to make sure it gets in the papers!)
Career (so she can say shes got one!)
Cynical publicity stunt (because thats what it is!)


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