Friday, August 04, 2006

The Real Mel Gibson

I hear that Mel Gibson has been arrested for drunk driving and has been shooting his mouth off. I'm sure his lawyers and publicists are working overtime (and getting paid overtime) to salvage his carefully constructed public persona. However let us not forget how many people are killed yearly by drunk drivers!

I photographed him many years ago, he told me to f**k off and said the same to the autograph collectors present. he was generally unpleasent to everybody.

I don't watch his films anymore, not since Braveheart, as they are full of bile. He's very much a man with a hidden agenda (not so hidden anymore). He has repeatedly abused his power and position to make movies that promote his own twisted political views. He's very much his fathers son but the mask has finally slipped.

People can now see him for the nasty spiteful bigot that he is. I think the creative community should now distance themselves from him.

I suggest that everybody should boycott his films and hit him where it hurts, in his pocket.